Houston Tongue Tie Center Forms
Most of us think of tongue-tie as a situation we find ourselves in when we are too excited to speak. Actually, tongue-tie is the non-medical term for ankyloglossia, a relatively common physical condition that limits the use of the tongue. Similarly, lip-tie is a condition where the upper lip has restricted mobility and function.
As we develop in the womb, a tight string of tissue called a frenum, located under the tongue and lip, is supposed to recede and become thinner. It is easily visible and felt when using a mirror. Everyone has a frenum, but in some people the frenum fails to recede and is too tight, thick or short and causes mobility problems.
The tongue and lip are a very complex group of muscles and are important for all oral functions. For this reason, having a tongue-tie can lead to many issues with nursing, bottle feeding, dental, speech, sleep, solid feeding and so much more.
• Poor latch
• Poor weight gain
• Reflux or spitting up often
• Clicking or smacking noises
• Gassy or fussy often
• Milk dribbles out of mouth
• Baby is frustrated when eating
• Unable to hold a pacifier
• Prolonged nursing sessions
Common presentation of Tongue Tie
Common presentation of Lip Tie
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